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Sarah Campbell - Xmas Blog 2018

Sarah Campbell - Xmas Blog 2018

Blog 4 by Me Summer :)

Our Highland Dancing family are all heartbroken that our Linda (Bryce) has gone with the angels. We all loved her so much and are so proud that she was such a big part of our lifes. Linda was always there, at all of our classes, all competitions and was always there to fix our kilts. I will miss her so much. 
“We dance for laughter,
We dance for tears,
We dance for madness,
We dance for fears.
We dance for hopes,
We dance for screams,
We are the dancers,
We create the dreams.”

: Albert Einstein

Hi everyone! Feels like it’s been ages since I last wrote my blog. I have been working hard, getting more strength back by the day, and trying to clean up my Intermediate dances.

In October, I danced at the North if Scotland Championships. I managed to get a medal for Barracks, so I was delighted. It was my first time doing it at a competition. At my last comp, I had to miss it because I injured my knee during fling. The competition was tough, everybody did really well. The day seemed to pass so quickly, started dancing at 8.30am and was finished dancing and had medals by 10.30am! 

Thanks to everyone for following me on Instagram by the way. It’s lovely being able to chat and share tips with dancers all over the world. I really feel like I have made some friends and look forward to meeting everyone at competitions.

What is everyone hoping to work on while competition season is quiet? I need to work on the strength keeping my arm up straight and stop looking down. Obviously I need to keep on working on all my techniques, but my arms and looking down will definitely need sorted.

I hope everybody has an amazing Christmas and New Year, hopefully Santa is good too you all,
Speak soon, 


Instagram: highland_dancing_summer
Website: http://www.thehighlanddancer.co.uk


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