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My 1st blog by male dancer Kaiden from Ontario Canada for The Highland Dancer

My 1st blog by male dancer Kaiden from Ontario Canada for The Highland Dancer

We are excited to bring you our 2nd male dancer blogger Kaiden xx


Hello! My name is Kaiden Sabbadin and I am 11, almost 12 years old.

I thought it would be fun to write a blog about being a (male) highland dancer!

I live on a wee farm in the countryside in Chatsworth, Ontario, Canada.

My little sister and I dance at the Joy Allen School of Highland Dancing in Toronto. I have been dancing since I was nine, and I have been dancing at the Novice level since June. Reilly is turning Novice in November.

My favorite dance is the Fling because I love dancing because it makes me feel very happy and I like to perform in front of people.

My kilt is the Dress Royal Longniddry.

My favorite ghillies are Toe and Heel Golds.

My dancing (and piping) hero is Daniel Carr and he is my friend!

This year I won Overall in both the ScotDance Canada pre-premier highland dance and nationals competition in Charlottetown, PEI. I also won Overall in both the highland and the nationals competitions at Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games.

My sister also won the same in her Beginner group at both competitions!!

I love to wear my Highland Dancer navy blue hoodie to all my competitions. I also love my black dance bag with my name on it from The Highland Dancer.

When I am not highland dancing, I like to practice bagpiping and ballet. I love reading, particularly about highland dancing, piping and Scotland in general.

I am really looking forward to sharing my highland dancing life!

Bye for now, Kaiden



 We very much look forward to following you and welcome to the team xx


Where to find The Highland Dancer: 

Visit our Home Page - www.thehighlanddancer.co.uk

Chat with us anytime with a PM on Facebook - this is where we hide :D

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram Twitter and tag us in your posts :D

If you like to email instead, drop us a line at dance@thehighlanddancer.co.uk



  • Debbie Ball

    Awesome blog kaiden look forward to reading more.

  • Dawn Chatman

    Great blog Kaiden, I enjoyed reading it and look forward to reading more. =)

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