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HD Ambassador Robyn's Cowal Blog for The Highland Dancer

HD Ambassador Robyn's Cowal Blog for The Highland Dancer

Robyn August Blog As any Highland Dancer will know August is the most important month of the year in the Highland Dance calendar..... it’s Cowal month!!!!

The lead up to Cowal is always really busy and my August was just as busy as July lol.

As well as attending 3 workshops with the amazing Candice, Ellis and Kira and Gregor Bowman, I competed in 6 Championships!!! Results below:- British Open -1st Pipebands - 1st Bute - 1st Commonwealth - 2nd Scottish -2nd which meant I qualified to dance in the juvenile World Highland Championships at Cowal on the Saturday.

I’m lucky enough to have qualified for the last 4 years and I absolutely love the atmosphere on the Saturday of the World Championship, it is an amazing buzz. I was runner up in the World Championship on Saturday which was really amazing!

To stand on that stage with so many amazing dancers is a bit surreal.

I felt so proud. Congratulations to everyone who qualified, to the 18 dancers who were awarded places but most of all to the amazing 3 dancers who can now call themselves World Champions... Rosey, Beret and Marielle.

What an awesome month August has been!!!!

How does September beat that?


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