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Bute Dance Highland Dance Festival 2016

Bute Dance Highland Dance Festival 2016

One year on from our first ever stall at last years Bute Dance Festival and here we are back again showcasing our designs and talking to the dancers and dance mums :D

What a great event, held in the School Gym this year (as the Pavilion is closed for refurbishment), a busy festival of tartan clad dancers took their places to take a welcoming bow.

Energy, precision, style, strength, smiles, tears, laughter filled the room.  The hall was busy and everyone was focused on the dance competition at hand.  Medal and trophies where handed out to the best of the best and smiles filled the air - what a great day on Bute :D

The festival is run by www.facebook.com/Butehighlanddancefestival

 We can't wait till next year :D



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