We here at The Highland Dancer were working with a client today designing them a new Facebook page when we found out that they did a class called The Highland Hustle - well you can imagine our delight when we found out that dance and ceilidh, exercise and fun has been put together in an excellent way :D We are now looking to see if there is a club near us that we can join and if not trying to get some dancers to set one up :D So the question is...
Have you joined in on the Highland Hustle yet?
Well if you have not then you should...
Think Scottish Highland dancing, add to that the odd ceilidh step set to funky high – beat music, then you get the picture…
It builds gradually so you can find a pace that is right for you. Low impact or go for it with high intensity – your choice! Plus there’s some exercises for toning your wobbly bits too.
And it’s unique, fun – and more to the point…it works!
Founded by Highland Dance Champion Gillian Urquhart, the original and the first… Highland Hustle®
Find out more on the official webpage www.highlandhustle.com
Buy your dance training out fit from one of our many Collections here at The Highland Dancer. We got all you need to train in comfort and style :D
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